There are many reasons why I homestead and many directions to take a homestead in. It is a lot of work and a big commitment but an even bigger pay off. I often talk about being in the right relationship with the world around me. So knowing where my food comes from, the food I prepare and serve everyday, the food that nourishes and becomes the bone and flesh of my children and husband, is the biggest piece of that relationship. Simply put, it is the responsible thing to do as a human upon this earth.
We have been homesteading for about seven years now. There have been challenges and a huge learning curve. While modern day conveniences like the grocery stores are helpful and necessary they come at a cost or a sacrifice really.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that homesteading is the “normal” thing to do. Eating with the seasons and growing food is normal. Running to the grocery store and buying watermelon in January is not.
To read my story about how i got started, I wrote a whole post about it for you here.
1. I get to build something along side my husband.
This is probably the most important reason why I homestead. Husbands and wives need to be building something together in their marriage besides a family. They need to build their legacy. My husband Ryan and I work the land together everyday and have something in the material realm to show for it.
2. My interests lie in things money can’t buy.
The food my family and I grow and raise on our little homestead can’t be purchased at any grocery store at this point in time. The quality is just not there. And unfortunately everything including organic food is contaminated with glyphosate. By now I hope we all understand that glyphosate is a poison. You either have to grow food yourself or source from a farm or ranch that is treating the land and animals with the highest standards possible. In fact, did you know that there are numerous studies that show when you consume your food with gratitude your body is more likely to utilize that food for energy rather than storing it as fat? When you grow your own food and prepare everything from scratch, gratitude for that food comes so natural.
3. I get to be outside every single day.
I get the sun on my skin every single day. In fact, it a requirement of the job. While in the moment I want to find all the reasons I shouldn’t have to go out, it’s too hot, too cold, too wet, too buggy, I never regret spending time working outside. Even if it is hard and uncomfortable. Recognize that the sun can be uplifting and a healing force especially at sunrise.
4. Homesteading keeps my kids off screens.
They would always rather go pick strawberries in the garden or feed the chickens or play with the baby ducklings than watch tv or play a game on the ipad. Always. While screens can at times be great tools, i don’t want them to need these devices to feel normal. Thats what outside is for, thats what being in nature is for. We co-regulate our nervous systems with the world around us. And I want my children to be calibrated to the beat of nature.
5. I love creating an environment in my home that is healing, nourishing and nurturing.
Homesteading is a great complement to that. Whether its chicken soup simmering on the stove made from our own pastured raised chicken or decorating with flowers from our own patch, the home is our center and our anchor.
6. The Plants
I just love working with plants and having loads of them in and around my home from herbs to flowers to vegetables. The thing is, I really don’t know anything about them except one little secret. Pay attention to them, spend as much time with them as you can, because they love to communicate with you and tell you just what they need. It’s that simple. My ability to care for plants was transformed when I started learning from them instead of reading about them in a book.
7. The Animals
All of the animals that come onto my homestead are deeply cared for and respected. I can rest easy knowing that the eggs and meat that feed my family are from animals that were never abused or mistreated. We give them a life outside on fresh pasture with space to move around.
8. Homesteading is familiar to my animal body.
You know that feeling you get when a blizzard is coming and you need get to the store to stock up on supplies? Or when you go berry picking and find a particular patch that is loaded with fruit? Gathering supplies is in our DNA. Creating a stock pile, some for now, some for later is what we are meant to do. Can you be doing this by just going to the store? Sure. But I promise you it is no where near as fulfilling as raising and preserving the food yourself. Homesteading counts more.
Looking back over this list I know there is much more I could add. However, these are the threads that I have pulled in this moment. I really hope it has inspired or you or at least got you thinking. When I read over this list every reason why I homestead sounds like it should be the #1 reason. But the truth is it is all these reasons weaved together that have created the life of my dreams.
For more inspiring homesteading stories check out Tara from Slowdown Farmstead.
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